i am working on a bark texture right now, next thing comming up. i would love to do several different type of tree textures later. There is just so much to cover. I am glad to see you try out the textures feel free to test with everything you see here.
is it out for sell right now? cause it looks Awsome and realy wanna buy it.
if its out where can i buy it. and hoow much does it cost. and how to i pay?
you got amezing skills!
Tja alfred ! Thanks alot man, it will be out soon i am working my but off , to little time as usual please let ne know if there are some kind of textures you whould like to see included in the texture pack, vi hörs !
Nothing is free here but if you want to test theese in your project thats fine. I am trying to be as humble as i possible can, please buy them later if you like them.
You are right, but i think that people have the right to see what quality the textures holds as a minimum (theese arent brushed up properly yet). But you are right, maybe i should take it cool for awhile.
It’s great that you are showing the textures as it generates hype for a really cool looking package, I think willc just meant to put a watermark on them for instance your name in somewhat of a transparent text. That way you can see the texture and test it, but it’s obviously watermarked and can be identified if used without purchasing the pack etc.
Great work by the way, I’m definitely considering picking this one up. Any chance you can include a rock/cave sort of texture?
Nice textures! In my opinion there no place to use camera made natural textures on more or less cartoon models (almost all 3d models actually). This is not works well.
Thanks for that info. I takes alot of time painting theese so i think i will start with a 50 texturespack. The price will be 75 dollars. it will probably be around 150 textures in total (variations of those 50 will be included like nails in some floor,color variations and so on), but 50 original so to speak. It really depends on the feedback i get. If people really buy this and support it i will be making alot more texture packages in the future. I think also i will start to make assets like modular houses. but thats for later. thanks !
here comes a tree with the latest texture. alot of work left on the texture still.this texture will be in two parts one texture for tiling (the one thats displayed on the entire tree) and then a bottom piece that have roots going into the ground.