Hi everyone, I’ve been spending so much time here that I thought I’d introduce myself!
My name is Hanford Lemoore, and I am a game designer and user interface designer. I’ve done both professionally.
From an Interface Design standpoint, I’ve been lucky enough to work on many cool things: ReplayTV, the Netflix Player from Roku, Dreamweaver, Bose sound systems, and more. I’m currently doing UI design and game design for Walt Disney Imagineering.
But my real passion has been video games. In the mid 90s I worked on some of the first 3D video games from LucasArts – Jedi Knight, Outlaws, and a few others. I gave up my video game career to do UI (which I also love with a passion) but I never gave up games. I just switched from doing it as a day job to something I do in evenings and the weekends. I put out a few 2D games on my site http://www.monolux.com . While I had done 3d work in the past, I stayed away from it on my indies games because I always thought the art paths and tools weren’t developed enough for a small operation.
I’ve not released a new indie game in a few years, but as you can see from my recent forum activity, I’ve jumped into Unity head first, and have been completely blown away. Unity has made me completely rethink what is possible from a small game studio, and I’m kicking myself for not checking out Unity sooner (I had the trial downloaded onto my Mac for a year, but I never installed it!) I hope to have a demo project soon, and a commerical game out next year. Other tools I’m into: Adobe Director, Lightwave, Photoshop, and Wacom Tablets.
Anyway, I’m looking forward to learning, and hopefully helping out a bit, too.
I keep a blog at http://blog.hanfordlemoore.com . I’m going to try and post what I’m learning about Unity as I go, with a focus on uncluttered examples and a slant towards scripters who never learned a real programming language (that’s me).