Hanging at "Building Player"


When I try to Build Android (APK or AAB, Mono or IL2CPP, it doesn’t matter) the script gets stucked at this point. Usually it takes a few seconds to complete, but I’ve waited for more than 2 hours and no changes.

I did backup the whole project folder and I’ve tried deleting a few cache and temp folders, but nothing changed.

I can run the project with Unity Remote with no problem.

The Editor.log is attached.
There are no crash logs in %TMP%\CompanyName\ProductName\Crashes folder.

I don’t know what steps should I take now to fix this.
Thanks in advice.

8398290–1108689–Editor-LOG.txt (66.8 KB)


After a lot of researsh, I’ve found that the problem must lie on “Play Services Resolver”. If I change the target SDK level to 29 or below and restart the IDE, it works great again. After I change to level 30 or above, I can compile only once. In the next tries the problem comes back.
So, i’ve found the GitHub of the updated version for “Play Services Resolver”, now named “External Dependency Manager” but I couldn’t find out how to update it inside my IDE.
Is that the right thing to update?
I think “Play Services Resolver” was installed with Unity Mediation.