Happy Birthday David Helgason!

Someone had to say it! Congrats!

:stuck_out_tongue: If the barkeep accepts Paypal I’ll shout you a beer!


Congrats! :slight_smile:

Happy Birthday good sir!!!


Long live are leader :smile:

hey happy b-day ; )

Hey! Let’s have some paaaarty!!!

Happy Birthday!!!

Someone with artistic skills should make him a webplayer birthday cake…

Happy Birthday, and here’s to many more!



It’s not until tomorrow, so I’m still just 30. But thanks a lot all of you, and Aaron especially this time!


Aaron is in NZ, so it is already your birthday there. He can officially celebrate.

not-so-artistic webplayer birthday cake :wink:

LOL, just how old is David supposed to be???

I know I’m early but Happy Birthday D!

One year ago (tomorrow) David was doing this for his birthday:

Delivering the keynote (with Joachim and Nicholas) for Unite 2007. We surprised him with a birthday cake later that day, in front of everyone. :slight_smile:



Happy B-day david :slight_smile:

Happy B-day David! Another Libra, huh? You’re in good company my friend: my wife’s birthday is Saturday and mine is next week! Come on over and we’ll have a party!

Thats the one. So thats why whenever I turn up at any of your parties Im already completely wasted when you guys are just starting!


Yeah, keep telling yourself that is the reason :wink:

Happy birthday, and thank you so much for the wonderful tools you offered us.

Happy birthday David!


Happy Birthday David! Enjoy the day!