Hard crash on scene loading and unloading.

And I do mean hard. Both player and editor just crash, no stack trace, no error handler. It’s also completely random. The methods in question are the async ones, loading is additive. I wish I could provide more info but I dont know how.

Could be because of occlusion culling & too many vfx’es. Had same issue. Possibly APV’s. should try disabling some of the features to find out what. From my experience could be any of the Unity features being over abused. Using async load/unload in my game too.

Right but we dont have occlusion culling, or apv because of the procedural nature of the game. We do use the vfx graph but the effects are pooled in a different scene.

Yes, effects even if disabled. even if the gameobjects are inactive, they still eat compute resources and there is some limit at which point it causes the crash. Worth a try disabling them at all to see if its the issue. In my case I had to chop down the vfx pools for it not to crash. Unless you are not loading that scene with vfx’es at all, then I don’t have anymore suggestions. Let me know if you figure it out - worth knowing all the possible cases.