I have a fairly large scene (500 x 500 unit base terrain, urban city environment). Everything is static, one directional light as light source., pre-computed real time GI disabled (no dynamic lightning whatsoever).
When I try to light bake said scene, Unity hard crashes in the “Tetrahedralize light probes” step. I already send a bug report, I am still wondering if anybody else experienced similar problems and has some advice?
Thanks for the quick reply! I submitted a bug report via the window that pops-up after the crash. I did not receive a case # yet. I am not sure if I get one when I report via this window?
Having the same issue 2 years later. Blank project, Unity 2018.2.0f2, import AutoProbes from the store, open the test scene, click on the AutoProbe gameObject, press Optimize probes. As soon as the code reaches
Lightmapping.Tetrahedralize(probePositions, out tetraIndices, out positions); it crashes 100% of the times.
The creator of the asset is clueless, and thinks it’s a Unity bug. Issue not present in Unity 2018.1.
[OT]But… I can’t access it, there’s no Register button, and using the same credentials used in Unity doesn’t work. Is there a Sign Up form elsewhere?[/OT]
Wait, does this mean it doesn’t crash only if called this way, but the issue is still there?
Or, it’s not an issue and is it supposed to work like that, inside a coroutine only?
My original post was wrong, so I edited it away. My experiment with coroutine just made it avoid crashing unity, Tetrahedralize still actually didn’t produce anything.
But it works fine in 2018.2.11f1 (release), so grab that version if you can.
Also, make sure your 4 points aren’t co-planar or too close to each other