So, I’ve finally finished something… this is my flappy bird inspired game. While it’s nothing like flappy bird, the inspiration came in the form of simple controls and restart on gameover… however, its not easy like sunday mornings… ha
[marketing speil]
HARDKOUR is a Parkour styled runner where you play ahead of time, put your moves in before you get to the direction cubes by tapping the left or right side of the screen.
The more moves you put it ahead of time, the faster your player runs giving you a faster better score. If you have a great memory and quick reflexes, you are gonna love this.
[/marketing speil]
Its currently on android/iOS/WP8
Sorry I dont have any screenshots handy, but here’s short video that will cover all your wtf does it look like/how do you play it needs.
Cheers man… hopefully something different gets a whole bunch of downloads
Its quite interesting though… this is the first android game I’ve released, and its been on the store a few weeks already, however I havnt mentioned its availability anywhere yet (was wanting to do a few iterations of changes/testing stuff) and its been downloaded over 100 times… although im not sure how they calculate that figure… but getting any downloads spurs on more development
I am very impressed, I like the fact that you have to think on your feet. I would put it in a similar category to the impossible game and temple run. But it has a completely different feel and uniqueness, I hope it takes off. I am commenting just from watching the you-tube video. will have a look at it on the Google play store now and let you know my thoughts :).
After you’ve played it a few times, it can become as much about remembering the sequence, the benefit being you can put as many moves as you can remember in ahead of time. I know about the first 40 now (most of the time at least) and it races through them. Currently my top score is 115 (although during testing I deleted that score), so currently some random person has top score of 85.
Thanks. Spent a lot of time (dragging my feet a bunch because I couldnt come up with a system I liked) on that animation. ahah. Was my first serious look at mechanim.
iOS and WP8 versions have been submitted to the store… just got to wait for them to process
congrats! looks fantastic. I really like the idea, what about placing some particle effects as fog color interaction in the background, maybe it pops up some nice effects to the aesthetic.
the plan has been to get it on all platforms, then start putting improvements if it gets enough downloads to warrant more effort, however I still have a handful of things im planning for it regardless of downloads.
Multiple colors for the entire game/Achievements
Going to put a new game mode in, running segments 25 per round.
Expand game length. Target is 500-1000 depending on progression of players
Um… wow… unique! really surprised me!! Finally, something I might keep on my phone for more than a week…
Animations are great. Did you do them?
Btw: Downloaded your game and rated 5 stars. I really really like it actually hahahah. Also make the intro a bit shorter. I want to get into the action faster. Great work
Thanks appreciate the rating (with a comment even!) re: the name thing, it has a minimum length which has confused a couple of people, so I might lower it.
Didnt do the animations, theyre an asset pack from the store. Just set up a big state like tree using mechanim to drive it all.
The intro is shorter if you can remember the moves ahead of time. The more moves you enter, the faster the game plays :_)
loved the game, but cant help but notice, the little to no sound effects? or in game music?
was this done deliberately to create a certain feel or will it be added in further updates?
a arced style soundtrack would fit this game really well! besides that, amazing game! love it!
Havnt made a final decision on sounds for the game yet. Im a person who has his phone on silent 99% of the time and find game sounds annoying, so thats really why I havnt put much in the way of sound fx in. I would say ill put some in at a later point.
Thanks Valette, the only thing that annoys me about the name is that I googled it when I first came up with it, and it returned no results, so thought I had an original name, what I didnt notice was that google changed my search phrase… now when I search for hardkour, theres a whole bunch of hardkour parkour stuff out there. doh!
Re: the name, yep thats caught a few people out, reducing the name length to 3 chars min in a future update (it even caught me out once)