Harmonix nabs the Beatles!


can’t wait for this - i’m so relieved they teamed with harmonix.

i’m a huge beatles fan and rock band has been pretty much the only game i’ve played regularly over the past year (so easy to jump in quickly blow off some steam ; )

ahem, paperback writer please : )

The Guitar Hero: World Tour instruments are better, so I think it’s a shame. Ah well, I own the Guitar Hero band kit, but I also have Rock Band 2.

agreed - though actually i’m still using my trusty GH3 guitar for now as i’ve heard there’s issues with the new kit so far. i’ll get one eventually though.

at least its all cross compatible now (more or less ; )

So have I, but mine is seemingly perfect. The touch strip on the new guitar is also a lot of fun.

(Of course, I have the 360 versions of the games, so life is good. I would be pretty upset if I had the PS3 versions, considering the GH drums aren’t working with RB2 on that platform presently.)

yeah i have the 360 as well. my girlfriend i just rented world tour though, and now having played it i’m glad we did. of course there’s some great songs in there - hot for teacher, hotel california, love me two times, beat it, sweet home alabama, la bamba etc. - but really the game overall is very clunky IMO. i prefer RB’s classier look, more realistic fun note charts, and more user friendly interface. also, to my ears the mixes on many songs in world tour are downright horrible.

and i’m missing my hyperspeed ; )

All great points, but Guitar Hero’s drum kit has an extra piece, and I really appreciate the added challenge. You can’t take advantage of that without the GH kit, though.

I’m glad to have both games. But, if there are downloadable songs shared between the two franchises, I will get the Guitar Hero version. The main reason I got this game was to become a better drummer; I just got my first kit a few days before I got my Guitar Hero setup.

(I can’t access my YouTube links from work, but if you search “Alesis USB Pro Kit” or the user “JessyUV”, you can check out a video I made of it.)