Curious question with all what is going on with the new subscriptions, increased fees and splash screen has a game ever been featured by Apple/Google/Steam that uses the unity splash screen? Is that even possible?
What big games actually use the unity splash at the beginning?Like for example Ori and the Blind forest I have not played it for those who have do they show the unity logo and where?
I can recall many that use unreal logo but when try to think of games that show unity drawing blanks!
Yes, latest one that I’ve noticed being Never alone: Ki edition. It hit App Store last week and is featured in the new games we love. They have pro but they still show the powered by Unity logo but after their splash. Hitman GO has had the same and there are probably many others I haven’t tried.
You probably won’t. Featured games generally break 100k. After 100k you can’t actually use the personal splash screen. You can use a generic made with unity splash screen.
Never actually thought about the transition, like, if you publish your first hit and go from nothing to $100k+ in 3 days, how long do you have to buy the pro license? After the first check arrives I’d hope?
Technically speaking you don’t have to buy it to the next fiscal year. So I suppose it is technically possible for a game to go crazy, hit the revenue cap, and the dev choose to leave the splash screen up for a few months.
So pretty much those who have pro and able to use there desired unity logo and not those who have free. Ever seen a unity free featured game?
Also if a free users hits 100k mark do they need to just buy the pro license? Or buy the pro license build the game with it and release so they know license was purchased.
Not much. The fiscal year ends on June 30th in Australia. Or march 30th in NZ if I’m back home.
According to wikipedia corporations in the US can choose there own fiscal year. If you get to choose, choosing a fiscal year that ends in the middle of peak sales season is a bad idea. Choosing a year that ends in the middle of holiday season is also a bad idea. So I doubt there are many businesses out there who have to worry about the 31st of December.
For other year end dates you will find smart business will deliberately time release dates to fall into one year or the other.