I have a project with a bluetooth game controller that works fine on my dev computer. It pairs fine with the hololens, but registers nothing when the project is running on Hololens.
Anyone have any luck on this matter yet?
I have a project with a bluetooth game controller that works fine on my dev computer. It pairs fine with the hololens, but registers nothing when the project is running on Hololens.
Anyone have any luck on this matter yet?
Do you have standalone input on your event system for the UI controls?
Thank you,
Interesting, are you using a Xbox One controller? Are you able to provide more detail on your project?
Thank you,
Should that work?? Oh how I have tried. The Xbox One controller is not bluetooth. They do have one coming out at the end of August that adds bluetooth connectivity to what it currently uses. I have both a PS4 and Gamicon bluetooth game controller. Both of which do pair with the device but do not work once the app is deployed to the Hololens.
There is a thread on the Hololens dev community forums of someone that got a controller to work in a non-unity app.
The project I am trying to get it working on, is a simple sphere in a spatial map at the moment. I wanted to get a controller working before I dive too deep into that project.
The new controller coming next month for the XBOX S is supposed to have Bluetooth support. It’s my understanding that it will show up under Windows as a standard controller, but it’s not clear if this will work day 1 with the HoloLens or if any kind of driver will need to be made available over there. This is something I’m looking into myself. I will check back here with you guys as I make progress. Please do the same as you have a chance to mess with it and share your findings.
hey eXntrc, how are you on the old forums?
I didn’t know there were new forums. Where should I be going now? I just had this one bookmarked in my browser.
There are new forums, but they are still a work in progress
@eXntrc yeah, I mentioned that the Xbox One S controller could potentially work, but that wait till Aug 31st is a bit bad for progress. But I have other bluetooth controllers that still do not work, and from what I gather no one has been able to get one working. I think it is the reason Brekel made his tool to stream a controller connect to the Hololens.
The problem with using a classic Bluetooth controller like the Moga Pro is that you have to connect it via Bluetooth as an HID device, then you have to process the HID events. I have C++ code to do this and I was working on converting it to C# and wrapping it in Unity, but when I realized the new controllers should theoretically just show up as regular controllers and work with the existing APIs I chose to put that project on hold.
So, are these forums still the right place to chat about Unity and HoloLens for now (other than the MS forums obviously)?
This should be the correct place to chat, I will post here if it is not the case.
Yeah @eXntrc this should be fine. This thread is over in the new forums system, but I am guessing they are having some issues with the new forum. I just did not realize that this forum system was even still in existance
the PS4 shows up as a wireless controller, while the Matricom shows up as a bluetooth gamepad. I have wondered why the distinction between the 2 products
Unity supports HID devices in the Windows Store player. You don’t need to write C++ code for it. It should be as simple as enabling Human Interface Device capability in the manifest.
@Tautvydas-Zilys I have HID selected for my projects, bluetooth gamepads still have not worked for me. After reading this I went a opened a few of my project just to make sure and HID is selected in all of them.
My question to you is, have you seen a controller work with a Hololens ? I don’t strictly mean from a development standpoint.
I can not even play minecraft on Hololens with a controller.
Hmm I have not. Though, I assumed it would work the same way as on other Windows Store platforms. Does it work for you if you run the same VS project on the local machine?
you know, it has with a wired controller. I will try it with the bluetooth controller and see…
well it appears that the UWP app running on my PC, much like the hololens, does not recognize the bluetooth controller(BC) as well. BC works inside unity. On the other hand a wired xbox360 controller works fine inside UWP.
The other controller, matricom gpad-bx, same story, it works fine in unity and does not work in the compiled UWP app(I also tested both of them with Windows 10 minecraft). Between 1. bluetooth controllers, 2. trying to use Unity Networking for something other than a real time FPS, and 3. the debugger no longer working with VS update 3/HTP b22or b24, I am being really slowed down to almost an absolute stop. Very frustrating.
On an aside, someone needs to come up with a tutorial for Unity Networking that is not an exact copy of the tutorial you have released. Trying to make something that is not a real-time first person shooter feels like an impossible task for someone that has never done network coding before(and maybe it should).