Hello, just wondering if any of you had heard of the Grit Engine. It looks pretty neat, but I’d like to know more about it. http://gritengine.com/
Nope. Never heard of it.
Same, news to me!
I’m in the same boat as Prion and Seven. Never heard of it.
Well, it seems that it’s not very popular. I’ll look into it some more.
Meh. Looks like a fun, open source project to tinker with, but it looks lower quality than Unity Free, so…
Still, if you want to play in the source code, it could be a hobby.
One would think the images they put at the homepage would be some good renders of professionally made scenes because they help showcase the engine. The images I see are not up to the mark. Take this one
The cliff-side rocks look awful. The grass looks ok but the trees are average
Anyway I am unlikely to experiment with it on account of its huge download size and other requirements and I am not even sure I can run it on my Windows XP machine
I think the cliff sides could look good if it was a style choice and the rest of the art direction followed, but I don’t think it was the intention.
Looking down upon the cliffside I really like it, especially with the grass. Looking at it on the left there however, and it looks gross. as Khyrid said, the style doesn’t seem to be fluent and ruins the scene.
And no, I have not ever heard about this engine. If I could wrap my head around C++ without a tutor/teacher, I would probably dabble here and there for fun.
I never heard of the engine but it’s very interesting. It’s an optimized engine for open world games.,
They built the GTA: San Andreas with the engine and show the day/night cycle:
Ahhhhh I really don’t like such stuff! lol
It looks… okay, I guess? As a community project I don’t really have high hopes for it getting anywhere, since these things never go super well.
One part of me says “whopee, something fresh, lets test it, it might solve all my problems”.
Another more experienced part says “yeah, until you run into bug after bug and start to try getting around all the quirks and obstacles just to get some productivity going, and then the horrific find, obstructed by the initial optimism: crucial feature X is missing”.
The common pitfall and consequent obscurity of all unproven software.
Must not be that good if Rockstar canned it after they used it on GTA San Andreas. That was like 9+ years ago.
More likely it was only used for prototyping, and they had no intention of using it in production.
I can’t find any evidence that says Rockstar ever used this engine. The only thing it says is that the engine creates open world games LIKE those in GTA.
Hmmm, very true, i was going off other posts so maybe GTA was never used in that engine? I have no idea.
I’m sure that post is just them trying to appeal to all the kids proclaiming “I’m gonna make the coolest GTA-MMO-FPS-OMG-BBQ EVAR!!!”
That shouldn’t be the attention they are trying to attract surely?
G[quote=“KHopcraft, post:19, topic: 495987, username:KHopcraft”]
That shouldn’t be the attention they are trying to attract surely?
Hey any user is a good user for some people.