Has anyone tried the autorigger from Mixamo yet?

Because its really freaking cool. I thought Mixamo was impressive enough with the in-editor animation store plugin for Unity, how impressively it retargets animations for completely different rig setups, but now I don’t even need to find rigged models?

I just tried out the autorigger on an unrigged character, and the results are pretty damned impressive with just a few clicks. Especially since the vertex weights and whatnot are automated, they must have a pretty sophisticated algorithm.


Of course I still get occasional anomalies with both the animation store and the autorigger depending on the model, I think its an excellent start, and will only get better as they polish up their tech.

User feedback is more than welcome. The more direction we have from users to work with the better we can make the technology.

Wait…what is this?

Can I upload a model, rigg it, and download it back?

For free? Can I choose my own rigg?

I really wish I didn’t spend $400 elsewhere on animations. I actually really like Mixamo and hopefully will get to use it for future use.
ESPECIALLY if I can rigg it easily for use with other animations.


What’s the catch? Is there a catch? I can seriously just upload a model and get it back, rigged?


Yes, there is a catch. I uploaded my model, and the rigging was amazing! It worked perfectly. But if you want your model back, they want $80.

sulks in corner

Zero-budget game development is always a challenge…

I guess it’s either $80 or spend a few days painting bone weights to your armature. I think it’s a good deal - I wouldn’t mind if it were a bit cheaper, say $50.

It’s still a good deal if you consider that having to pay a decent rigger/animator will most likely cost you a whole lot more. Secondly, you never know if the rigger/animator fully understands what you are after. The advantage here is that you directly see how the animation looks like (and for the most part they look good). Lastly, you don’t have to wait around for the rigger/animator… so you save time as well.

Thomas P.

I am playing with evolver right now, i don’t think its bad at all to created a fully rigged character with facial expressions for 70 bucks!

Personally, I think its a great idea, it just costs too much. I think they should lower the cost to $20-$30.


I recently started working at Mixamo and have been testing the auto-rigger a lot. Although it cost money to download the character it’s free to try online if you want to see what types of mesh it can handle. I’ve been able to get some crazy models to work, including a t-rex I put in the t-pose.

The other advantage is that your character will have a very standard rig that works with all our biped animation and should work very well inside Unity since it’s an Fk rig. Anyway if anyone has any feedback after trying it, we’d love to hear it.

Will there be a subscription deal like you do with the animations where you get a discount with the subscription or will this always be a flat $80 even if you have a Mixamo subscription?

From what I’ve been told, you can use subscription credits towards the Auto-Rigger.

I tried the autorigger (though didn’t end up downloading due to price) and was quite impressed with the result. My model is a gnome character which is very short and fat and though it mostly looks very good there is a noticeable problem in the lower right stomach when the arm moves because the stomach is so close to the hand, the bones in the arms are affecting the stomach. I’ve tried to place the bones (in the autorigger) in different places but couldnt fix the stomach problem.

But of course this is only because my model is a little irregular. I’m sure a normal biped humanoid with better proportions will work much better

$80 is cheap.

Works great on my models.

An added option for facial rigging would be supreme. I’d use it weekly on projects. Just sayin’

+1 on the face rigging

@arvz please PM me if your interested in helping up make the system better. I would love to get our R&D to look at your gnome. Thanks.

@KITT @pkid we’re focusing on getting the biped working at near 100% before we more on but don’t worry we have over features for it on the burner :wink:

Do you get a downloadable rig that can be imported into a third party 3D package and animated, or does it work with Mixamo animations only?

You got a joint/bone skeleton system that works in any 3rd party program that is able to read .fbx files.