Has anyone tried to configure the inputs for a Horipad Ultimate game controller in Unity?

Has anyone tried to configure the inputs for a Horipad Ultimate game controller in Unity?

I’ve tried too, but i have no luck except with the joysticks :frowning: I’m sure it works though because other apps respond to it, it’s just Unity I can’t figure out.

this is what i have so far in the input manager:

  • Left Joystick is Joystick Axis, X axis for horizontal & Joystick Axis, Y axis for vertical
  • Right Joystick is Joystick Axis, 3rd Axis for horizontal & Joystick Axis, 4th axis for vertical
  • Menu button is Joystick button 0 in the positive or negative text field thing

If anyone knows how to figure out the rest please let us know!

Would this be what you are looking for by any chance?