Has Anyone Used Photon's Quantum?

I came across Photon’s Quantum fully deterministic user input only solution last June. I thought it was such an idealistic approach that I began looking into rolling one of my own. The biggest issue I came across was replacing the entire physics engine in unity, so I quickly abandoned it.

But it is extremely promising. So much so, I am sort of surprised I don’t see any posts here about anyone using it.

Has anyone used Photon’s Quantum for their multiplayer needs?

Yes, a deterministic physics engine is a big chunk of work.
Here’s an incomplete list of games released with Quantum. While we can’t name an ETA yet, it’s not a secret Quantum will become free to develop with, similar to Fusion, Voice and Pun.

This is huge.

If Quantum is free for Unity developers to use, would you agree that it would supplant all other solutions entirely? Or do I not fully understand the limitations of Quantum and are there roles that it cannot meet?

It is my understanding that you design a game for multiple local controllers and Quantum can replace local controllers with remote controller input. So the need to think in terms of writing for netcode is eliminated entirely, yes? Or do we need to add components to some assets that help them synchronize across the network?

Also, when you say free, do you mean we can run it without Photon Cloud? Because when I look at the Quantum pricing page, it talks only about CCU pricing on the Photon Cloud. Can you explain current and future pricing plans an indie studio could use and look forward to in the future?

Sorry for being unclear. Quantum will be free to access / develop but requires an online connection to the Photon Cloud and have a CCU pricing as usual for Photon SDKs.

Quantum is a great solution for many game types but as usual in the real world, it can’t cover everything equally. Scaling Quantum room sizes depends on the input needed (e.g. keyboard versus VR input values) and player count.
Yes, you won’t have to worry much about netcode when using Quantum. Depending on your preferences and experience, it may be challenge to make sure your game logic is deterministic.