Has "Input.eatKeyPressOnTextFeildFocus" been removed?

I’m following along with the Gamer to Game Developer series and with and he uses Input.eatKeyPressOnTextFeildFocus. However I get Unity.Input does not contain a definition for eatKeyPressOnTextFeildFocus. Im using unity 3.5.5f3, has this been removed? Here is the code.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

/// <summary>
/// This script is attached to the playerGui game Object.
/// This script accesses the playerSpawnScript to check if the player has joined.
/// This script is accessed by the playerNameScript.
/// This script is accessed by the cursorControl script.
/// </summary>

public class commWindowScript : MonoBehaviour {
	//--------------------Variables Start--------------------
	public string playerName;
	private string messageToSend;
	private string communication;
	private bool showTextBox = false;
	private bool sendMessage = false;
	public bool unlockCursor = false;
	// These are used to define the communication window.
	private Rect windowRect;
	private int windowLeft = 10;
	private int windowTop;
	private int windowWidth = 300;
	private int windowHeight = 140;
	private int padding = 20;
	private int textFeildHeight = 30;
	private Vector2 scrollPosition;
	private GUIStyle myStyle = new GUIStyle();
	// Quick references to the mPlayerObject and playerSpawnScript
	private GameObject mpManager;
	private playerSpawnScript sScript;
	//---------------------Variables End---------------------
	void Awake ()

		Input.eatKeyPressOnTextFeildFocus = false;
		messageToSend = "";
		myStyle.normal.textColor = Color.white;
		myStyle.wordWrap = true;
	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () 
		mpManager = GameObject.Find("_mPlayerManager");
		sScript = mpManager.GetComponent<playerSpawnScript>();
	// Update is called once per frame
	void Update () 
		if (Network.peerType != NetworkPeerType.Disconnected)
			// If the player presses the "T" key then set showTextbox to true
			if ((Input.GetButtonDown("Communications"))&&(showTextBox == false))
				showTextBox = true;
			// If the player presses return and the text feild is visible then
			if ((Input.GetButtonDown("SendMessage"))&&(showTextBox == true))

				sendMessage = true;
	void OnGUI ()
		if (Network.peerType != NetworkPeerType.Disconnected)
			windowTop = Screen.height - windowHeight - textFeildHeight;
			windowRect = new Rect(windowLeft, windowTop, windowWidth, windowHeight);
			// Dont display the the communication log until the player has joined the game
			// or it is the server.
			if ((sScript.spawned == true)||(Network.isServer == true))
				windowRect = GUI.Window(5, windowRect, CommLogWindow, "Communications Log");
				GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(windowLeft, windowTop + windowHeight, windowWidth, windowHeight));
				if (showTextBox == true)
					unlockCursor = true;
					Screen.lockCursor = false;
					// Give the text feild a name so that it can be found with GUI.FocusControl meathod.
					messageToSend = GUILayout.TextField(messageToSend, GUILayout.Width(windowWidth));
					// Give focus to the text feild so the user can start typing.
					if (sendMessage == true)
						// Only send a message if the textfeild isnt empty.
						if (messageToSend != "")
							if (Network.isClient == true)
								networkView.RPC("SendMessage", RPCMode.All, messageToSend, playerName);
							if (Network.isServer == true)
								networkView.RPC("SendMessage", RPCMode.All, messageToSend, "SERVER");
						// Set sendMessage to false so it does not continue to send after retrun is pressed.
						sendMessage = false;
						// Set showTextBox to false to the text feild is hidden.
						showTextBox = false;
						// Unlock the cursor.
						unlockCursor = false;
						// Reset the message to send.
						messageToSend = "";
	void CommLogWindow (int windowID)
		scrollPosition = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(scrollPosition, GUILayout.Width(windowWidth - padding),
													GUILayout.Height(windowHeight - padding - 5));
		GUILayout.Label(communication, myStyle);
	void SendMessage (string message, string name)
		// This string is displayed by the label in the CommLogWindow.
		communication = name + " : " + message + "

" + "
" + communication;


Field is spelled “Field”.

Edit: The item isn’t documented but apparently that’s just an oversight. d’oh.

It hasn’t been removed, it was added in version 3.4 but hasn’t managed to get into the documentation yet. I just verified it’s still there in Unity 4.0.1 :wink: