I just got the Unity iPhone Basic trial to test it out. Do I have to be a registered iPhone Developer to test it? I tried to build and run and get the error messages for "iPhoneBundleIdentifier has not been set up" and "You also have to create a Provisioning Profile with the same identifier and install it in the Xcode Organizer Provisioning Profiles." I see in the blogs that you have to be a developer to do that.
I also tried to run Penelope's final version through the build and run, but it gives the same message. It won't let me play the game either in the Unity iPhone Basic viewer. I just get the opening screen with no way to interact with the controls.
Can you bring a project into the iPhone Simulator from the iPhone SDK? Or does that not work with Unity iPhone?
And does Unity iPhone Advanced have the view controls in the top right corner to see your views with different perspective views (3D, top, bottom, side, etc.) or does the iPhone version just not include that functionality? I also miss having the play button in the Game window. Does Unity iPhone Advanced include that by chance?
I'd like to see what this game engine can do, but am finding it hard to do so. I'm looking to soon be registering with Apple as a developer, but wanted to order that at the same time as Unity iPhone Advanced. Didn't think I'd need to be registered before checking out the Unity iPhone game engine.
Yes, I think you need to be a registered Apple iPhone Dev to use the trial... i think there is a check box when you download the trial to confirm you are.
No, the simulator doesnt work with Unity iPhone.
Regarding the development environment, there isn't anything different between iPhone Advanced and Basic... are you coming from an Unity 2.6 look and feel.... iPhone isn't based on that Unity Build.
When you get it all up and running and have the apple dev requirements in place, you can hit play in the editor and see the game running on the iphone/ipod in realtime (albeit a blocky version)... it is a great system... you can use the device as a controller, and see the results in the editor (not the other way around - unless you like blocktastic!).
Shame you need the Apple Dev stuff upfront, but i think that is the way it is.
Yes, you must be a registered iPhone developer, and you had to agree that you were before you downloaded the Unity iPhone trial. You can't use the simulator with Unity iPhone. Unity iPhone is based on Unity 2.1, which has a somewhat different layout and feature set compared to Unity 2.6.
Maybe something to consider is the way the Apple Developer license allows you to connect to two devices if I am not mistaken. So maybe it is worth investigating if you know someone who has a license but only lets say one device.
Anybody there who has a license and can confirm that what I say is true and also legal? Thanks.
Edit: I think the answer is to register your friends device in the iPhone Provisioning Portal. Next, create an ad-hox distibution provisioning profile. Next, check the devices on which you want to run your app. Next build the app with Unity (XCode) using the ad-hoc distribution profile and send the app and the profile to your friend for testing.