Have audio source switch from one clip to another (and actually play)

I don’t know how long I’ve been chasing this. In the very beginning it worked fine with just one audio clip and simple code like this >>

aS = GetComponent<AudioSource>();    // This is in Start() of course
// then I had a trigger in Update()
aS.volume = Random.Range(0.8f, 1);
aS.pitch = Random.Range(0.8f, 1.1f);

and it played very nicely. But, I went to add another clip and it quit being so friendly. Next when I asked it to play it constantly restarted. I got around that with the first if(!aS.isPlaying).

Now, I’ve got one clip working and one trying to constantly restart. Let me show you what I’m working with here.

// Update()
moveSpeed = rb.velocity.magnitude;

// FixedUpdate
       // Sounds for Stepping
                if (moveSpeed > 2.1f && moveSpeed < 5.9f)  
                // Sounds for Sprinting
                if (moveSpeed > 6.1f)
                    StopSounds();   // I had to put this here or it wouldn't switch!!
                // Sounds for Stopped
                if (moveSpeed < 1.9f)

// and then the individual methods follow >>
  void StepSounds()
        if (!aS.isPlaying)   // adding this cured the first one from restarting
            aS.volume = Random.Range(0.8f, 1);
            aS.pitch = Random.Range(0.8f, 1.1f);
            aS.clip = walking;
    void SprintSounds()
        if (!aS.isPlaying)         // but this one just restarts constantly
            aS.volume = Random.Range(0.8f, 1);
            aS.pitch = Random.Range(0.8f, 1.1f);
            aS.clip = sprinting;
            Debug.Log("I should have played Sprint Sounds!!");

    void StopSounds()

So what I’ve got now, is that when walking (moveSpeed more than 2 and less than 6) it plays that clip nicely, like its supposed to. However, when I sprint and moveSpeed exceeds 6 clip number two “sprinting” plays but it constantly tries to restart. I had this problem with the first one, but adding that if(!aS.isPlaying) solved the first clip. I have copied and pasted it to the second method but I’m getting nothing.

I also notice that when I have the if(aS.isPlaying) then the lines of code “volume = Random.Range” don’t actually function like they did once before. Which I can live with. Right now, watching the inspector when moveSpeed exceeds 6, the second clip constantly restarts and I can see volume and pitch bouncing around trying to randomize ha ha. If it would just play through I’d be happy.

I have the Audio Source set to loop, and even tried adding in aS.loop = true; but nothing changed.

If anyone has any ideas I’ll be very greatfull to hear them!

Geez, what a wall of text, sorry guys I was just trying to be concise.