Have really enoying bug! Please help!

Hi, Need serious help please! When ever i quit my unity, i get this error Title: Fetal Error comment: “GetManagerFromContext: pointer to object of manager ‘InputManager’ is NULL (table index 1)”
and its really enoying, i searched all over for this problem, i saw some answer’s but didn’t work.

I Have latest unity version 2017.1.0f3 And reinstalled a few times and nothing worked.

i deleted all projects still… and it doesnt make a differnce which project it can even be NEW, when i close unity i get the error.

Please help me :slight_smile:

btw… when i force quit on mac, it doesnt show… which is even more weird.


That’s not more weird - because it’s probably not related to your projects.

Try going to Window → Layouts → Revert Factory Settings. You may have to move your windows back the way you like them, but this tends to resolve similar issues. At least, it has for me in the past.

Nice try but didn’t help, i don’t mind if someone want to connect to my mac via team viewer or anything… just fix it!! Thanks.