I can’t even count the number of times I hit Tab expecting to just write in the next area, only to find that I wrote a spacing instead.
I think that the use of writing a tab spacing in the localization is very limited, due to localization’s purpose being the serialization of text that is meant to be displayed to a player.
Furthermore, I think having Tab not switch focus to the next area is inconsistent with the use case of Shift+Tab.
Arguably, the tab spacing can be achieved with a bunch of spaces, in the rare cases the need for it occurs.
How would you expect it to work? Would it go across to the next language for that entry or down to the next entry in the same language?
Going across to the next language seems like the way to go.
Writing a key and the translation, or writing multiple translations at once require the user thinking about the same term, so a single or multiple Tab presses allow the user to input in an expedient manner.
I’d argue that such expediency is not needed when going down an entry, because most often the user would need to look at the entry and switch their focus to think about the new string.
An idea about going a step further is to mimic excel to some degree, and have Tab move across, and Enter move to the next entry. The down key could be used to enter the new line in the text block.
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