Having a static GameObject pointing to a prefab?

Basicly ive got the same problem as posted [here][1]:

But i dont understand the answers there, so im gonna post my own question here:

I want a static GameObject variable which points to a prefab.

Sounds pretty simple right?

I would love the variable to be private, and only accessible to other scripts by a peroptery with only a get-accessor.

Someone please help :<

You don’t really want a static variable here, a variable accessible without an instance. You want a GameObject referencing a prefab, and being able to access it from everywhere.

So, create a script with a public variable GameObject, attach to an empty GameObject in your scene and affect the prefab to the variable. Change the tag of the object to something fancy.
Step 2, add a static function to that script which return a gameObject :

public static GameObject GetPrefab(){
return (GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MyFancyTag").GetComponent<MyScript>() as MyScript).prefab; 