Having bother with custom classes and custom editors...

I am literally pulling my fricking hair out at this… I do not know what im doing wrong. I want to access a custom class type from the normal script that the editor script attaches to. I figgured i could do it with arrays so why not classes? Nope it talks about "Cannot cast from source type to destination type) Even though it seems though i should be able to achieve what im thinking of, unity is being annoying as usual.

What i realy want is for each class to fall under its own foldout under WeaponTable.

Here is the code anyway…


@script ExecuteInEditMode()

	enum LootClass
			CivilianLow = 0, 
			CivilianAverage = 1, 
			CivilianHigh = 2,
			MilitaryLow = 3, 
			MilitaryAverage = 4, 
			MilitaryHigh = 5,
			MedicalLow = 6, 
			MedicalAverage = 7, 
			MedicalHigh = 8,
			FoodLow = 9, 
			FoodAverage = 10, 
			FoodHigh = 11,
	class LootItem
		var Item : GameObject;
		var Rarity : float;
		var LootType : LootClass;
	private var TempArray : Object[];

    var WeaponTable  : LootItem[];
	var WeaponTableLength : int;
	var OldWeaponTableLength : int;
	var Medical : Object[];

	var Equipment : Object[];
	var Addons : Object[];
	var Misc : Object[];

	function Start()
		OldWeaponTableLength = WeaponTableLength;

	function LateUpdate()


	function UpdateWeaponArray()
		 WeaponTable  = new LootItem[WeaponTableLength];

And the other script…

@CustomEditor (LootMaster)
class LootMasterEditor extends Editor

private var WeaponTableFold : boolean;

function OnInspectorGUI()
	WeaponTableFold = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(WeaponTableFold, "Weapon Table");

		target.WeaponTableLength = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Ammount Of Weapons", target.WeaponTableLength);
		for(var x = 0; x < target.WeaponTableLength - 1; x++)

			target.WeaponTable[x].Item = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Weapon", target.WeaponTable[x].Item, typeof(GameObject), true);



If it is any help, i am trying to achieve a loot table so i can dynamicaly generate loot in containers at the start of every game.

I just said screw it to the custom editor, its messier but im only going to be seeing it…