I’ve tried to create a class Enemy with function to spawn 1 cube with random position, color, scale, etc (it works I guess), but having issues to spawn bunch of them (through the loop. I’ve tried to use coroutine to create a cycle, but it doesn’t work. How do I create a bunch of Enemies with their own unique parameters (unique color, pos, scale, etc…) ?
Enemy file:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class Enemy : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject SpawnHost;
public GameObject EnemySample;
public int EnemySpeed = 1;
public float SpawnRadius = 4.5f;
int EnemyCounter = 0;
private readonly string[] enemyNames = { "Ranger", "Hunter", "Sniper", "Bulldog", "Alpha", "Rifleman" };
private string enemyName;
private Color enemyColor;
private Vector3 enemyScale;
private float x;
private float y;
void Awake()
enemyName = enemyNames[Random.Range(0, enemyNames.Length)];
enemyColor = Random.ColorHSV();
enemyScale = new Vector3(Random.value * 2 + 1, Random.value * 2 + 1, 1);
x = SpawnHost.transform.position.x + Random.Range(-SpawnRadius * 2.14f + enemyScale.x / 2, SpawnRadius * 2.14f - enemyScale.x / 2);
y = SpawnHost.transform.position.y + Random.Range(-SpawnRadius + enemyScale.y / 2, SpawnRadius - enemyScale.y / 2);
SpawnHost = this.gameObject;
public void SpawnEnemy()
GameObject LocalEnemy = Instantiate(EnemySample);
LocalEnemy.name = enemyName;
LocalEnemy.transform.position = new Vector3(x, y, 0);
LocalEnemy.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().color = enemyColor;
LocalEnemy.transform.localScale = enemyScale;
EnemySpawn file:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class EnemySpawn : MonoBehaviour
private int EnemyCounter = 0;
public int SpawnCooldown = 5;
private IEnumerator EnemySpawnCycleCoroutine;
List<Enemy> Enemies;
IEnumerator EnemySpawnCycle()
while (true)
Enemies[EnemyCounter] = this.gameObject.GetComponent<Enemy>();
yield return new WaitForSeconds(SpawnCooldown);
void Awake()
EnemySpawnCycleCoroutine = EnemySpawnCycle();
void Update()
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))