having issues with rotate around only going one direction

I am working on a 2.5D game. i am using this script to rotate the hand around the player and point at the aiming reticule. this works perfectly when i move the reticule in a counter clockwise direction around the player however if i stop moving the reticule or move it in a clockwise direction the “hand” will flip out and begin to spin around the player. I have ensured the player, reticule, and hand are all aligned on the z plane.

public var trgt : Transform;
public var player : Transform;
function Start () {


function Update () {

any suggestions are welcome

Vector3.Angle() returns an unsigned angle which is likely the root of your problem. And while it may not be an issue, you code assumes the center of rotation is the world origin. There is a bit of code here you can use or adapt:


You would place an empty game object at the center of rotation, attach this script to the empty game object, and make the hand a child of the empty game object.