Having many canvas assigned to many cameras

So I’m trying to have 2 camera and both of them need to have their own UI, so I created 2 canvas and changed the value assigned in “Target Display”.
But my 2 game view don’t have the same size and the UI is actually taking the size of the view currently selected.
Here’s an example:
As you can see, the UI is only taking a part of the screen on the 1st game view because I clicked on the second one.
So how can I do so both UI are properly rendered?

Thanks in advance,

HI Xwilard,

Are you using UGUI? Canvas are pretty much related to that UI system and you are posting in the UIToolkit section of the forum, another system.

If that is the case, you will definitely have a better answer here :

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I wasn’t sure where to post, thanks for moving it to the right place : )

Your post has been moved!

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