Hey guys,
Since we moved our project to Unity 5 I have had a lot of problems getting the grasp of the new lighting engine. For the past week I have spent so many hours tweaking and searching for answers. But I cant figure out what to do with the following problems:
It should be said that the level is built from multiple modular pieces - Snapped together in unity.
The below picture shows my GI settings and default parameters:
Objects using light probes is way darker than the static environment assets. Character and ceiling-fan in the 1st picture. My lightprobe group is the 2nd picture.
http://i.imgur.com/4KaHR8I.jpg -
I get some light leaking on the top of my wall moldings. Probably caused by the ceiling? I have tried lowering the ceiling without any luck. To test I tried switching to baked GI - This removed the light leak - But we need the sun light to be realtime/dynamic - So baking the light is not an option. Light leak seen in picture below.
http://i.imgur.com/ypewb3F.jpg -
The last problem is most wierd one! I get these differences in the shading, or darker colors, of some of the modular elements. It seems quite random where they appear. If I “hide” my ceiling and let unity precompute without, these artefacts is not visible. Also the pack margin in the import settings of the modular elements, as well as the backface tolerance in the GI parameters seem to have an influence - increasing/decreasing the visibility. But I cant get fully rid of them. And they are still there if I switch to baked GI. The artefact can be seen in the picture below:
Thank you so much for reading this far! I would really appreciate if somebody could provide some guidance/suggestions etc - Since the last week of working with Enlighten has been nothing less than a nightmare