Having problems when using triggers

Hello all, am having a problem when I want use the OnTriggerEnter method. So basically I have a list of information(questions) and I want to get a random question every time when the player enters the trigger, but I get spammed all the questions really fast instead. I didn’t manage to solve this problem so here is my code. I will be really thankful if somebody helps me.

public int width = 800;
		public int height= 300;
		public bool showWindow = false;
		public bool gameOver = false;
		public System.Collections.Generic.List <question> questions;
		private playerController pc;
		//private string countryName;

		//private int score = 0;
		private int randomNumber;

		void Start () {
			pc = GetComponent<playerController> ();

		void OnGUI () {
			/*if (Input.GetAxis ("Q") > 0) {
				randomNumber = Random.Range (0, questions.Count);
				showWindow = true;
			if (showWindow) {
				randomNumber = Random.Range (0, questions.Count);
			GUI.Window (0, new Rect (Screen.width / 2 - width/2, Screen.height / 2 - height/2, width, height), WindowFunction, questions [randomNumber].questionName);
				Screen.lockCursor = false;
				pc.lockScreen = true;

		private void OnTriggerEnter (Collider collider) {
			//this.countryName = collider.gameObject.name;
			if (collider.gameObject.name == "Trigger") {
				showWindow = true;

		private void OnTriggerExit (Collider collider) {
			if (collider.gameObject.name == "Trigger") {
				showWindow = false;
				pc.lockScreen = false;
				Screen.lockCursor = true;

		private void rightAnswer () {
			int rnd = Random.Range (1, 50);
			int a = 0;

			switch (questions[randomNumber].difficulty) {
				case 1: a += 100 + rnd;
				case 2: a += 300 + rnd;
				case 3: a += 700 + rnd;

			pc.score += a;
			showWindow = false;
			pc.lockScreen = false;
			Screen.lockCursor = true;

		private void wrongAnswer () {
			if (pc.lives > 0) { 
				pc.lives -= 1;
				showWindow = false;
				pc.lockScreen = false;
				Screen.lockCursor = true;

			if (pc.lives <= 0) {
					Application.LoadLevel ("Game over");
					gameOver = true;

		private void WindowFunction (int windowID) {
			if (GUI.Button (new Rect (50, 20, 600, 30), "A) " + questions [randomNumber].answerA)) {
					if (questions [randomNumber].answerRight == 1) {
							rightAnswer ();
					} else {
							wrongAnswer ();
				if (GUI.Button (new Rect (50, 55, 600, 30), "B) " + questions [randomNumber].answerB)) {
					if (questions [randomNumber].answerRight == 2) {
							rightAnswer ();
					} else {
							wrongAnswer ();
				if (GUI.Button (new Rect (50, 90, 600, 30), "C) " + questions [randomNumber].answerC)) {
					if (questions [randomNumber].answerRight == 3) {
							rightAnswer ();
					} else {
							wrongAnswer ();
				if (GUI.Button (new Rect (50, 260, 600, 30), "Exit)) {
					showWindow = false;
					pc.lockScreen = false;
					Screen.lockCursor = true;



You are generating your randomNumber in the OnGUI function. OnGUI is called by Unity multiple times each frame. This will generate a new random number every time and you get the effect you see, all the questions cycled through fast.

A quick fix can be to move the generation of the randomNumber to the OnTriggerEnter function, then the number will only be generated when the player enters the trigger.