Hello everyone,
So I got into 3D modelling and after looking around I settled on using SketchUp. I learned the basics and started making some models. I made a small coffee table and a TV on a stand. I exported the models as .fbx and imported them into Unity. I dropped them into my scene but I had some problems:
- The models are really small and I have to use the scale tool to make them big. Any reason to this?
- The models are weird and missing certain parts. For example, my coffee table is fine with the textures when looking from the top, but when you look under it is all transparent? My TV and Stand model has all missing pieces.
You can have a look at these pictures of what happens:
Coffee Table In SketchUP:
Coffee Table in Unity:
TV On Shelf in SketchUp:
TV On Shelf in Unity:
If anyone can help out, it will be greatly appreciated. Thank you!