So I got the player and an enemy.
Their inspectors are attached. As you can see the both got a Rigidbody and a Collider. Enemy’s collider IsTrigger is checked.
The code for the trigger is on my player and is as follows :
`public class PlayerTrigger : MonoBehaviour {
private Vector3 spawn;
spawn = transform.position;
if(col.tag == “enemy”)
Instantiate(deathParticles, transform.position , Quaternion.identity);
transform.position = spawn;
The thing is not even the first Debug is showing me anything and I have no idea why.
Just to be sure that nothing is getting in the way, I will give the codes that are attached to my enemy and player.
Enemy : Patrol Script :
`public class Patrol : MonoBehaviour {
void Start () {
if (transform.position == patrolPoints[currentPoint].position)
And Player : PlayerMovement2 :
`using LockingPolicy = Thalmic.Myo.LockingPolicy;
using Pose = Thalmic.Myo.Pose;
using UnlockType = Thalmic.Myo.UnlockType;
using VibrationType = Thalmic.Myo.VibrationType;
// Orient the object to match that of the Myo armband.
// Compensate for initial yaw (orientation about the gravity vector) and roll (orientation about
// the wearer’s arm) by allowing the user to set a reference orientation.
// Making the fingers spread pose or pressing the ‘r’ key resets the reference orientation.
public class PlayerMovement2 : MonoBehaviour
private bool sameMovement = false;
public float moveSpeed;
private float maxSpeed = 15f;
public float xGap = 0.3f;
public float yGap = 0.6f;
private Vector3 input;
private Rigidbody rb;
private int test;
public GameObject deathParticles;
// Use this for initialization
void Start()
rb = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
_antiYaw = Quaternion.FromToRotation(
new Vector3(myo.transform.forward.x, 0, myo.transform.forward.z),
new Vector3(0, 0, 1)
// Myo game object to connect with.
// This object must have a ThalmicMyo script attached.
public GameObject myo = null;
// A rotation that compensates for the Myo armband's orientation parallel to the ground, i.e. yaw.
// Once set, the direction the Myo armband is facing becomes "forward" within the program.
// Set by making the fingers spread pose or pressing "r".
private Quaternion _antiYaw = Quaternion.identity;
// A reference angle representing how the armband is rotated about the wearer's arm, i.e. roll.
// Set by making the fingers spread pose or pressing "r".
private float _referenceRoll = 0.0f;
// The pose from the last update. This is used to determine if the pose has changed
// so that actions are only performed upon making them rather than every frame during
// which they are active.
private Pose _lastPose = Pose.Unknown;
// Update is called once per frame.
void Update()
// Access the ThalmicMyo component attached to the Myo object.
ThalmicMyo thalmicMyo = myo.GetComponent<ThalmicMyo>();
bool updateReference = false;
if (thalmicMyo.pose != _lastPose)
_lastPose = thalmicMyo.pose;
if (thalmicMyo.pose == Pose.FingersSpread)
updateReference = true;
if (Input.GetKeyDown("r"))
updateReference = true;
// Update references. This anchors the joint on-screen such that it faces forward away
// from the viewer when the Myo armband is oriented the way it is when these references are taken.
if (updateReference)
// _antiYaw represents a rotation of the Myo armband about the Y axis (up) which aligns the forward
// vector of the rotation with Z = 1 when the wearer's arm is pointing in the reference direction.
_antiYaw = Quaternion.FromToRotation(
new Vector3(myo.transform.forward.x, 0, myo.transform.forward.z),
new Vector3(0, 0, 1)
// _referenceRoll represents how many degrees the Myo armband is rotated clockwise
// about its forward axis (when looking down the wearer's arm towards their hand) from the reference zero
// roll direction. This direction is calculated and explained below. When this reference is
// taken, the joint will be rotated about its forward axis such that it faces upwards when
// the roll value matches the reference.
Vector3 referenceZeroRoll = computeZeroRollVector(myo.transform.forward);
_referenceRoll = rollFromZero(referenceZeroRoll, myo.transform.forward, myo.transform.up);
// input = new Vector3(Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal"), 0, Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical"));
// if (rb.velocity.magnitude < maxSpeed)
// {
// rb.AddForce(input * moveSpeed);
// }
float x = myo.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.x;
float y = myo.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y;
float z = myo.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.z;
float moveHorizontal = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
float moveVertical = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");
float moveUp = 0;
if (15 + xGap < x && x < 180)
moveVertical = -1;
else if (180 < x && x < 345 - xGap)
moveVertical = 1;
if (15 + yGap < y && y < 180)
moveHorizontal = 1;
else if (180 < y && y < 345 - yGap)
moveHorizontal = -1;
if (sameMovement)
moveUp = 30;
Vector3 movement = new Vector3(moveHorizontal, moveUp, moveVertical);
rb.AddForce(movement * moveSpeed);
if (transform.position.y < -100)
movement = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
float rollFromZero(Vector3 zeroRoll, Vector3 forward, Vector3 up)
// The cosine of the angle between the up vector and the zero roll vector. Since both are
// orthogonal to the forward vector, this tells us how far the Myo has been turned around the
// forward axis relative to the zero roll vector, but we need to determine separately whether the
// Myo has been rolled clockwise or counterclockwise.
float cosine = Vector3.Dot(up, zeroRoll);
// To determine the sign of the roll, we take the cross product of the up vector and the zero
// roll vector. This cross product will either be the same or opposite direction as the forward
// vector depending on whether up is clockwise or counter-clockwise from zero roll.
// Thus the sign of the dot product of forward and it yields the sign of our roll value.
Vector3 cp = Vector3.Cross(up, zeroRoll);
float directionCosine = Vector3.Dot(forward, cp);
float sign = directionCosine < 0.0f ? 1.0f : -1.0f;
// Return the angle of roll (in degrees) from the cosine and the sign.
return sign * Mathf.Rad2Deg * Mathf.Acos(cosine);
// Compute a vector that points perpendicular to the forward direction,
// minimizing angular distance from world up (positive Y axis).
// This represents the direction of no rotation about its forward axis.
Vector3 computeZeroRollVector(Vector3 forward)
Vector3 antigravity = Vector3.up;
Vector3 m = Vector3.Cross(myo.transform.forward, antigravity);
Vector3 roll = Vector3.Cross(m, myo.transform.forward);
return roll.normalized;
// Adjust the provided angle to be within a -180 to 180.
float normalizeAngle(float angle)
if (angle > 180.0f)
return angle - 360.0f;
if (angle < -180.0f)
return angle + 360.0f;
return angle;
// Extend the unlock if ThalmcHub's locking policy is standard, and notifies the given myo that a user action was
// recognized.
void ExtendUnlockAndNotifyUserAction(ThalmicMyo myo)
ThalmicHub hub = ThalmicHub.instance;
if (hub.lockingPolicy == LockingPolicy.Standard)
void OnGUI()
GUI.BeginGroup(new Rect(10, 10, 300, 500));
GUILayout.Label("Myo X: " + myo.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.x , GUILayout.MinWidth(300), GUILayout.MinHeight(30));
GUILayout.Label("Myo Z: " + myo.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.z , GUILayout.MinWidth(300), GUILayout.MinHeight(30));
GUILayout.Label("Myo Y: " + myo.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y , GUILayout.MinWidth(300), GUILayout.MinHeight(30));
The code for movement is using the Myo Armband so it might be a bit confusing. Hopefully that aint the problem.
Anyway, all help appreciated.