Having some trouble with transform.DOJump

Here is the error I am encountering - “error CS1061: ‘Transform’ does not contain a definition for ‘DOJump’ and no accessible extension method ‘DOJump’ accepting a first argument of type ‘Transform’ could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)”

This Error is in my BattleSystem.cs Script line (604,41).

IEnumerator ThrowPokeball()
state = BattleState.Busy;

    yield return dialogBox.TypeDialog($"{player.Name} used a FAKEBALL!");

    var pokeballObj = Instantiate(pokeballSprite, playerUnit.transform.position - new Vector3(2, 0). 
    var pokeball = pokeballObj.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>();


This is the line of error - yield return pokeball.transform.DOJump(enemyUnit.transform.position + new Vector3(0, 2), 2f, 1,
// yield return enemyUnit.PlayCatchAnimation();

Not sure why my code didn’t format sorry about that.

I figured out the error!. For anyong wondering it was because I did not use “using DG.Tweening;”