Having trouble accessing a variable in another class

So I’m trying to set up a mechanic where enemies spawn in a certain range based on how many keys you have. However, I had put the keys obtained counter in the PlayerController script that’s attached to the Player object because of the OnTriggerEnter code. In the SpawnManager, I want to reference the number of keysObtained, however I’m not sure what to do. I read that static makes the variable the same no matter the class, but it made the keysObtained counter disappear in the Unity UI and no enemies spawn (one would spawn before since I have a crappy work around I gave up on to look into the static route). Here’s my SpawnManager script (I know its a mess, I’m new to game development, just please be gentle)

EDIT: idk why the code looks like this. The code looks properly formatted for me in the edit question screen so I’m not sure what’s happening to it

public GameObject keyPrefab;

public GameObject enemyPrefab;

public int keyCount;

public int enemyCount;

float keysObtained = PlayerController.keysObtained;

 private float leftSpawnRangeX = 22.0f;

private float rightSpawnRangeX = -19.0f;

private float lowerSpawnRangeY = 10.5f;

private float upperSpawnRangeY = 29.0f;

// Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()


// Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        keyCount = FindObjectsOfType<Key>().Length;
        enemyCount = FindObjectsOfType<EnemyMovement>().Length;

        if (keyCount == 0)

        if (enemyCount == 0 && keysObtained == 1)

        } else if (enemyCount == 1 && keysObtained == 3)

        } else if (enemyCount == 2 && keysObtained == 5)

        } else if (enemyCount == 3 && keysObtained == 8)

        } else if (enemyCount == 4 && keysObtained == 10)

private void SpawnKey()
        Instantiate(keyPrefab, GenerateRandomSpawn(), keyPrefab.transform.rotation);

private void SpawnEnemy()
        Instantiate(enemyPrefab, GenerateRandomSpawn(), enemyPrefab.transform.rotation);

 private Vector3 GenerateRandomSpawn()
        float SpawnPosX = Random.Range(leftSpawnRangeX, rightSpawnRangeX);
        float SpawnPosY = Random.Range(lowerSpawnRangeY, upperSpawnRangeY);
        Vector3 randomPos = new Vector3(SpawnPosX, SpawnPosY, 0);
        return randomPos;


In general i suggest you take 2 steps back and get comfy with static variables first.

i guess the major misunderstanding you have is that

 float keysObtained = PlayerController.keysObtained; 

will only set the value of keysObtained once. (when you create this object)

This line does not mean that keysObtained will always have the exact same value as PlayerController.keysObtained.

What you instead want to do here is to remove the keysObtained variable in your SpawnManager completly and just write PlayerController.keysObtained in your if statements.


While this is nothing you asked about i still want to adress it: do not use FindObjectOfType or any similar function in Updates. This is horrible on performance and should only be done in Start functions.
In general you can ofc still use it as it is but if your project grows larger/more demanding it might come back to bite you in your arse.
If you have issues with the tracking of the current keycount otherwise let me know. There are nice ways to deal with that.