Having trouble implementing a custom javascript class

I have a class that stores a reference to a current gameObject as well as some custom properties. I have placed it is a separate .js file. Now I would like to create instances of that class as I instantiate game objects (I have simplified the script to exclude the instantiation code).

EDIT: OK, it looks like using a ScriptableObject is a better way to go. I have adjusted the scripts.


Class Gob extends ScriptableObject {
    var _name :String; // the name of the gameObject inside unity (also, the key to the dictionary)
    var _prefab :Transform =null; // the prefab this obj was cloned from
    var _transform :Transform; // the actual gameObject.transform inside unity
    var _cell :Vector3; // using vector 3, but really just a triplet (x, y, z) of ints so I can get to world(x, y, z)
    var _type :String;
    var _isVisible :boolean;

And I am trying to make use of it inside another file:


private var _gobs :Dictionary.<String, Gob>;

function Start() {

function AddToWorld() {
	var x=10;
	var y=5;
	var z=13;
	var name ="A0:" +x.ToString() +"-" +y.ToString() +"-" +z.ToString();

	var gob :ScriptableObject = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance("Gob");
	gob._cell =Vector3(x, y, z); 
	gob._type ="A0";
	gob._orig_type =gob._type;
	gob._isVisible =true;
	gob._name =name;
	_gobs.Add(gob._name, gob);

The error now is that ‘_cell’ is not a member of ‘UnityEngine.ScriptableObject’. Any help/suggestions will be appreciated.

remove the last part on Line 15:

var gob : Gob;

thing is constructors run automatically if the object is inheriting from MonoBehaviour.

Some experimenting and found the answer:

Line 3 in MakeWorld.js should be:

private var _gobs :Dictionary.<String, Gob> =new Dictionary.<String, Gob>();

and line 15 should be:

var gob :Gob = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance("Gob") as Gob;

And then it works perfectly.