I have ten or so 32-bit dylibs that I’d like to put into a plug-in, for use by a 32-bit OS X Unity player. There ARE no 64-bit versions of these dylibs, and so I am content for the moment to not support 64 bit mode.
I am having trouble getting calls into even one of these dylibs to work, and so I have some questions.
The docs ambiguously state that for OS X “you should build your plugin as a universal binary that contains both 32-bit and 64-bit architectures” (I added the bold). Do they mean I must, or just that this is a good practice?
In my C# code for MyPlugin.bundle containing libMyLib.dylib, should the string constant in the DllImport() attribute be “MyPlugIn” or “MyLib” for a function that resides within the libMyLib.dylib library? I suspect the former, based on my results, even though this seems a poor design choice, as a Windows version of this plugin will require different attributes to work.
Though I have my dylibs ready to go, I’m trying an incremental approach to learn the ropes. If I strip my bundle down to the simplest case where there is just one 32-bit dylib within it, which has no external dependencies, I find I am still not succeeding.
If I run “otool -L libMyLib.dylib”, I get
@loader_path//libMyLib.dylib (compatibility version 0.0.0, current version 0.0.0)
/usr/lib/libstdc++.6.dylib (compatibility version 7.0.0, current version 104.1.0)
/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1226.10.1)
However, if I call a single function within the dylib which has the attribute [DllImport(“MyPlugin”, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)], I get
Couldn't open MyApp.app/Contents/Plugins/MyPlugin.bundle/Contents/MacOS/MyPlugin, error: dlopen(MyApp.app/Contents/Plugins/MyPlugin.bundle/Contents/MacOS/MyPlugin, 2): library not loaded: @rpath/libMyLib.dylib
referenced from: MyApp.app/Contents/Plugins/MyPlugin.bundle/Contents/MacOS/MyPlugin
reason: image not found
Couldn't open MyApp.app/Contents/Plugins/MyPlugin.bundle/Contents/MacOS/MyPlugin, error: dlopen(MyApp.app/Contents/Plugins/MyPlugin.bundle/Contents/MacOS/MyPlugin, 2): library not loaded: @rpath/libMyLib.dylib
referenced from: MyApp.app/Contents/Plugins/MyPlugin.bundle/Contents/MacOS/MyPlugin
reason: image not found
DllNotFoundException: MyApp.app/Contents/Plugins/MyPlugin.bundle/Contents/MacOS/MyPlugin
I would really love to hear from anyone with some experience in this.
Thanks in advance!