Having trouble restarting a countdown timer using time.deltaTime

I’m having trouble restarting a countdown timer back to 30 seconds. It works the first time it counts down to 0 but afterward, when I try to restart it, it doesn’t work.

Here is my code:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
public class CountdownTimer : MonoBehaviour

float currentTime;
float startingTime = 30f;

Vector2 restartPosition = new Vector2(0f, -9.25f);
public GameObject player;
public PlayerMovement PlayerMovement;
public AudioSource froggerDied;

Text countdownText;

public bool restartTime;

// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
    currentTime = startingTime;

// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
    countdownText.text = currentTime.ToString("0");
    currentTime -= Time.deltaTime ;
    if (currentTime > 5)
        countdownText.GetComponent<Text>().color = Color.green;
    if (currentTime < 5)
        countdownText.GetComponent<Text>().color = Color.red;
    if (currentTime <= 0)
        player.transform.position = restartPosition;
        PlayerMovement.froggerLives -= 1;
        currentTime = startingTime;
    if (restartTime == true)
        currentTime = startingTime;
        restartTime = false;


Here is the question but on the forums, check this out first
