Having trouble with collisions with a blender-made object.

I have a house model built in blender and I exported the file into blender, and everything is the way it should be, until the player starts walking around in the house. Apparently, the collisions of the house aren’t working at all, which makes sense… because I have no idea what I am doing. You see, I just slapped in a mesh renderer and a mesh collider and thought that would work, but it did absolutely nothing it seems. As you can see, I have hardly ever imported an object from blender into unity, so I have little experience as to how I set up collisions properly. If anyone needs any information, let me know, for I have no idea what information would be relevant to this problem due to my severe inexperience with something like this.

If you click on your imported house prefab, on the “model” tab, a box with “Generate Colliders” on it should appear. Click on the box and a tick should appear over it. Click anywhere in the scene view and menu should pop up. Just hit apply. Drag the newly edited house prefab into the scene and boom! It should be colliding.

The problem would be that a mesh collider does not have knowledge of the internal structure of your house. It’s basically wrapping it making it one collider without holes (except you provided the whole house as a collision mesh). Since it’s a house it would be the easiest to just place box colliders around where all the walls are.
Be sure, that the player moves either by Move/ SimpleMove when using a CharacterController, or by adding forces or adjusting velocity on a rigidbody. Translation bypasses all collsions.