Here is a code, based on a state machine, that is simply supposed to read one script that contains a simple integer (health = 1) and display it in the console. However, I can’t get Unity to execute this code, it keeps saying that villagerScript doesn’t exist in the context. I followed the tutorial for GetComponent, but I’m not sure how to fix this.
using UnityEngine;
using Assets.Code.Interfaces;
namespace Assets.Code.States
public class PlayStateScene1_1 : IStateBase
public class test : MonoBehaviour
private Villager villagerScript;
void Awake()
villagerScript = GetComponent<Villager> ();
private StateManager manager;
public PlayStateScene1_1 (StateManager managerRef)
manager = managerRef;
if(Application.loadedLevelName != "Scene1")
public void StateUpdate()
void Start()
Debug.Log (;