Havok engine Vehicle Kit for wheelCollider

In raycast car demo ,the physic seems not good, so ,whether can use vehicle kit in unity as PhycX wheelcollider?

try ECS version of that project https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/EntityComponentSystemSamples/tree/master/UnityPhysicsSamples/Assets/Demos/6.%20Use%20Cases/RaycastCar
also try to switch to Havok Physics

it seems collide effect not goog also

i reproduced that bug changing wheel base from 0.5 to 0.1

Any one know how to use havok vehicle system in unity like this with this video in tracked vehicles ?

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any hints?

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it looks like you need the ‘cast collider’ and to use like a long rectangle like in one of their demos near the end of the video above

still have no tracked vehicles…and where is ecs wheelcollider?