Havok licensing model page has disappeared

The information about trial until January and pricing for after January had been located on this page:
Licensing Model | Havok Physics for Unity | 0.1.2-preview,
but it’s no longer there. (Here is the original page from cache)

Instead there are 2 pages here:
https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.havok.physics@0.1/license/Third Party Notices.html
but they are legal text and mention nothing about trial period and pricing.

There is no mention of it in the Manual or FAQs either (pricing is definitely the top frequently asked question to be honest).

This makes me think that pricing has potentially changed, and I hope that’s not the case.

What was pricing stated as previously?

Im super interested in havok physics but really starting to worry about pricing, especially seeing as it seems the non-havok options cant even handle resting rigidbodies… it seems a bit crappy to charge people for a “complete” solution whilst offering what I would describe as an incomplete one as the alternative free one. Feels a bit like a regression to the unity free + unity paid days. I dont think the community is ready to go back to a pay-to-win engine.

EDIT: okay I read the original and I really hope they dont backtrack that. It being free for those earning less than $100k a year would be great as it would allow us to make good games, make money and therefore transition to pro licenses, rather than cobbling our capabilities and adding to the stigma that unity has by making all free games use a worse physics engine

Heres to hoping!


Doesn’t the description about Havok physics in the package manager state that it is going to remain free for personal and plus users after the trial period?

If you read the blog + comments from Havok employees they are still working out pricing and it is potentially going to change

looks like its back, new page:

  • Unity Personal: Free to use
  • Unity Plus: Free to use
  • Unity Pro: Havok Physics for Unity subscription is required, available from the Unity Asset Store


*Originally it was (from that cache page)

  • Unity Personal : Free to use
  • Unity Plus : Free to use
  • Unity Pro : Havok Physics subscription required, available from the Unity Asset Store for $20 per seat per month

now in store also,

My bad, I should have added this entry to this thread as well.