HDR color picker >1 intensity drops the rgb

Why does the HDR color picker do odd things when you increase the intensity after you close it.
e.g. set intensity to 2 with a white (255,255,255) color and close the picker, then when you open it your color is 191,191,192, intensity is 2.4169 which is a lot less ‘logical’

Bug or some odd feature?

Bug / feature?!

It’s a feature. HDR does something like simulating a larger color space than is available in the normal RGB 0-255 color space. It does this by essentially scaling colors relative to one another to achieve desired relative brightness/darkness (I might be making this up. I’m not 100% sure how it works).

Read the sentence at the bottom of this page about the behavior you’re seeing: Unity - Manual: HDR color picker

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