I have followed the manual to configure HDROutput, setting output depth for 10 bits:
- Locate the in the Project window under Assets > Settings.
- Navigate to Quality > HDR and enable the checkbox to enable HDR.
- Navigate to Edit > Project Settings > Player > Other Settings and enable the following settings:
- Allow HDR Display Output
- Use HDR Display Output
However, when I checheked the final rendering output via Frame Debugger, I found that the output format is R8G8B8A8_SRGB(even on my HDR display), which means the output is actually in SDR.
Did I missed some settings to get the right HDR output?
p.s. I have tried this on unity version 2023.2.5f1c1 with URP version 16.0.5.
Thx a lot if anyone could give some advice