There is an attached simple project in the case, that will reproduce this issue. Interesting, that the player crashes even if the game object with the custom pass on the scene is disabled.
If this is already fixed in the master branch (or will be fixed any time soon), could you please provide the link to the commit? I will cherry pick it to my local hdrp version (I really need to make a build with custom pass in the next two weeks for the tech demo).
Thanks in advance.
This crash is coming from the SerializeReference feature we’re using to save the custom pass data and it haven’t been fixed yet in the C++.
So i’m afraid that currently there is no solution for you apart from waiting for the official 2019.3 version to come out.
You can track the issue here: Unity Issue Tracker - [SerializeReference][HDRP] Custom Pass Volume corrupts build data, causing a crash on launching player