HDRP All materials are white in a project view

Hi all.
For some reasons if I create any material in editor, it will be white in a project view. In the scene view everything is ok. I am using Unity 2019.3.7f1.

Also, if I set metallic value to 1, materials previewed correct. Does anyone have any ideas?

Same, how to configurate exposure for project view ? looking for help

Same here, also after upgrading to 2019.3.8f1

Just to make you know, I just realised that if you hit play/stop with scene view closed or not showed, materials are shown well (if they dont, just reimport also with scene view closed). Problems come when Unity ā€œreloadsā€ the thumbnails, even for a reimport or a serialization or whatever and scene view is being showed up.

I have to close both Scene and Game view, otherwise all materials preview is white

Normally I have no camera spawned in edit time, since I spawn it on play, so problem may be relate to both scene and game cameras

Well. I reported this bug to Unity Technologies.

Today I received the answer: I should upgrade my HDRP to 7.3.1 version and issue will gone.
I checked my HDRP version. It already was 7.3.1
So I removed HDRP package from my project completely, and then import again. It helps.

Donā€™t forget to make a backup of your project.

I just figured out where the problem comes from. Itā€™s related with the Exposure from the HDRI Sky inside the Sky and Fog setting Profile assigned to the scene in the lighting tab. If exposure is set to 0, or the profile is not assigned to the scene lighting or whatever, thumbnails are correctly displayed. But obviously, we need to have an HDRI sky with correct values on exposure assigned to our scene to have a fancy enviroment. So, I guess problem come from there and it demands a fix :stuck_out_tongue:

Or to make it easier, just activate/deactivate the ā€œStatick Lighting Skyā€ setting inside the lighting tab. None = thumbnails work :slight_smile: HDRISky = ugly thumnbails :frowning:

Well, Reimporting HDRP works only while you restart project. After restarting materials preview are white again. Still looking for fix.

Fix will come in a short time, as reported here Bug with material preview in project folder - Unity Engine - Unity Discussions

HDRP white materials (only in editor, game view ok)

i had a problem where my editor view was showing white materials, but the game view was fine.

it seems to be an exposure problem because when i override the exposure using the camera dropdown menu (button next to ā€˜gizmosā€™ in editor view) it would correctly show. but of course this isnā€™t a solution because we want to see the exposure as what it really is, and not as an override.

after much hair pulling, i found out that by selecting window>layouts>default, this would fix my problem. this seems to be a unity bug that comes from having the editor/game view showing in different windows.


This has been happening to me right now, but i produced the error becaue i imported a very old asset with enlighten baker settings and many more old crap.

I use the LTE 2020.3.x with HDRP, this means that old unity Scene setting can reall yrip you off and the importer warns you EXPLICITLYā€¦ but you know *i thought i try what happens.

So be carefully what you import *dumb meā€¦ The Layout reset solved the problem.

Thank for sharing @mookanana

Thanks so much for posting that- restoring default layout fixed it for me too. I too lost a bunch of hair to this one haha.

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in HDRP settings switch exposure mode to ā€œuse physical cameraā€,that is working for me

Maybe because in your layout you have disabled this option? Try enabling it.

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Youā€™re screenshot saved me from becoming jobless ! Thank you !!

Donā€™t have to reimport ( that will take ages )
Can just revert layout to default and the issue is gone.