I am trying to work with HDRP and get a handle on it. I have a character who has skin material and clothing material that needs to be setup. Presently, I just have made base, normal, and specularity textures. I have assigned the default HDRP asset settings, but perhaps I’m just missing some other settings. After applying the HDRP/Lit material to the character’s skin and cloth, there’s no visual change in the character model. It consistently shows up as black/stone gray, even if the only change I’ve made from the default Lit material is the base color to any color.
Any help would be appreciated, and I’m just hoping I’m missing something in my setup.
Unity 2019.4.1f1
HDRP Package 7.3.1
HDRP Config 7.4.1
Far/Close view
Material view
HDRP Default Settings