HDRP Custom Pass shadow issue with FPS Game

Hi i am new with HDRP and trying to make a FPS game. Because of weapon clipping issue i used Custom Pass. I got help from another posts about that issue but there is one issue that i could not able to solve. My players arms and weapons layer are the filtered ones with custom layer. Everything is fine but some of shadows are rendering on arms even these shadows are behind the arms. I tested a few things:
-I disabled the ambient occlusion, nothing changed.
-I disabled lightmaps, nothing changed.
-I disabled light sources one by one but on every light source the problem occurs.
-Except “After opaque depth and normal” and “Before rendering” injection points, this issue occurs. When i use both of injection points that i am not facing with this issue, particle systems of weapons creates whole another issue. I need to use “before post-process” injection point.

How can i prevent rendering shadows on arms?

Here is my Custom Pass Volume, the issues itself and my custom render pass:

class CustomRenderPass : DrawRenderersCustomPass
    protected override void Execute(CustomPassContext context)
        int ambientOcclusionTextureID = Shader.PropertyToID("_AmbientOcclusionTexture");
        context.cmd.SetGlobalTexture(ambientOcclusionTextureID , TextureXR.GetBlackTexture());

it was because of the contact shadows. Contact shadows render priority was higher. With fixing that, issue is solved.

How did you go about doing this? I tried changing the InjectionPoint to all of the options, and either the contact shadows bled through or moving the character would cause warping/shaking of the character model & gun. I also tried separating the two passes to separate Custom Pass Volume gameObjects and independently changing InjectionPoint and Priority for each, but with no success. I googled “Contact shadows render priority,” but wasn’t able to find anything.

@Matayo_Esquire_IV I am not sure what i have done actually. Already forgot the process but here is my custom pass volume:

If it does not works for you, maybe you can check your HDRP asset. Also make sure it is about contact shadows. It is under lightning settings of HDRP asset.

It happens when I activate Contact Shadows on my Sun light. It is most prominent when looking at objects in the direction between you and the sun location. It looks like the image you shared with the character and gun. After deactivating Contact Shadows, the bleed-through goes away. Interestingly enough, after having it enabled on the light, Ray Tracing (Preview) shows up as an option, and activating that removes the bleed-through as well. I have my Custom Passes (and the Ambient Occlusion code) set up the same as the images you’ve shared. It’s not a high priority on my to-do list, so no biggie.