HDRP Custom Post Processing is Completely Broken

I wanted to get on here and say I fully do not understand how IsActive() in custom HDRP post processing scripts functions. I will have a setup like this:

public BoolParameter enabled = new BoolParameter(false);
public MinIntParameter iterations = new MinIntParameter(128, 16);

private float testRad;
private Bounds fluidBounds;
private GraphicsBuffer particleBuffer;
private Material overlayMat;
private ComputeShader sphRenderShader;
private int sphRenderKernel;

public bool IsActive() => enabled.value;

And then in another script I will test this:

private void Update()
    rend.SetFluidVars(particleBuffer, FluidBounds, particleRad * 20f);
    visualize.SetGraphicsBuffer("ParticleBuffer", particleBuffer);
    visualize.SetInt("ParticleCount", TotalParticles);
    visualize.SetFloat("FrameTime", Time.deltaTime);

And all I get in the console is False. This happens regardless of if I instance the volume during playmode, have it setup beforehand, turn enable on and off a million times. Please someone explain to me how this stupid function works because it makes no sense genuinely.

What is the “rend” variable in that context ? (could use a bit more code here)