I’m working on a multi-platform project (Android and Windows64) in the same Unity project so I decided to use the cache server. (Remote - Cache Server Version 6.3)
I have a special scene for the Android part which use LWRP and another one for the Windows64 part which use the HDRP.
Everything works fine on the Android side, but when I switch from Android to Windows64 and replace the RenderPipelineAsset with the HDRP the following errors appear and everything is then render not correctly on the Win64 scene.
Maybe something goes wrong with the data from the cache server ?
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent(Int32, IntPtr)```
```Compute shader (Deferred): Property (_CookieCubeTextures) at kernel index (7) has mismatching texture dimension (expected 5, got 6)
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent(Int32, IntPtr)```