HDRP lighting source "Color" keeps reverting to "Skybox"


Am trying out the HDRP using the premade scene. I wanted to use “Color” as a lighting source in the lighting panel, but I noticed an issue when entering play mode.

Gif link: Imgur: The magic of the Internet (Gif shows in edit mode, but not showing in post)

Entering play mode the first time is fine. Coming out of play mode it flickers back to “Skybox” in the drop down. Next time going into play mode it then defaults to “Skybox”. This is quite annoying as I need to use “Color” as the source.

I thought it might be me doing something wrong, but even using the default project scene has the same issue.

I don’t think you are supposed to use the lightning panel for this in HDRP, just create a global volume and add the sky and visual environment nodes in there.


Thanks for replying.

I did read through that beforehand, but I see no way to do what I am after (am new to the HDRP).

I want the ambient light that is contributed to the scene to be a color, not via the Skybox, which was possible by just changing the option in the drop down to “Color”. Am not sure how to do the same thing using the new override nodes.

you can do this by using a gradient sky

First, create the Scene settings

Right-click in Hierarchy > Rendering > SceneSettings


Change Visual Environment sky from Procedural Sky to Gradient Sky

Add a gradient sky Component

Change all the colors to the color you want (Same or different if you want to use the gradient)

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If it’s only to use as ambient lighting then you will need two scene-setting profiles. The one in the scene will be used for the visible sky/will be main Scene setting. For the second one, you can just create a Scene Setting Profile in the Project Panel and add only a Gradient Sky component to it. On the main Setting in your scene, you will see at the bottom it says (Baking Sky Script) replace the profile in it with the (Gradient Sky Profile) as well as changing the Baking Sky to Gradient Sky one and that’s it. Your ambient lighting will be the gradient/color you made.


Thanks for the detailed replies. That second one looks to be more what I am after, however I have a problem. In my Sky Type drop down for the Visual Environment component, I only see “HDRISky” and “Procedural Sky”, I see no option to select “Gradient Sky”.

I am using Unity 2018.2.7f1 and HDRP 3.0.0.

Edit: Feedback Wanted: Scriptable Render Pipelines page-17#post-3574525

I guess I need to get the version from GitHub and not the package manager?

Edit 2: Yep, from reading more posts, I need to update or use 2018.3.

Thanks for your help, I will revisit this when I can test in 2018.3.

No problem, if you get 2018.3 you don’t need to get the GitHub version for it to work. It will automatically update the packages in your project to the latest available so it will get HDRP 3.3.0 (Latest HDRP Package) for you as 3.4.0 is only available on GitHub for now.

I may as well mention that the version formerly known as 3.4.0 is now called 4.0.0 on github, which I believe someone from Unity did say recently on the forum was likely to happen, and it has (eg see changelog)

Latest SRP master finally hid these from Lighting panel.

In my case, Gradient Sky is not available as a choice. Any ideas?

Which version of HDRP are you using? I think this only became available in 2018.3 with HDRP version 3.3.0

I just checked with HDRP 4.4.1 and Gradient Sky is still available.

RenderSettings.ambientMode = UnityEngine.Rendering.AmbientMode.Trilight;