HDRP lightning differences in Scene window and PlayMode

As you can see in PlayMode window I have white squared artifacts. Some light components don’t work.

Also this is not the case in the project on another computer.

Hey, this might be then related to a driver or hardware problem.

Can you give the hardware specs and drivers of each machine? This could then help our QA repro the issue on specific hardware.

Also, feel free to report a bug with a small repro project (Editor > Help > Report a bug…).

Hello! After switching to Direct X12 beta in Player Settings, graphics fixes. But this is not a solution to the problem, because the SteamVR Head (helmet) stopped tracking and moving.

In automatic graphics mode I have this graphics problem on Intel PC with GTX 1660 Super, but I don’t have any issues with AMD Ryzen 5 4600H + IGPU Vega 8. Unity 2019.3.7f1.