HDRP looks just gray/white and glitchy. No textures on objects.


I have the problem, that my scene and gameview is gray/white and glitchy (Picture attached).
That never happend before, do you guys have any ideas what could be the problem?
The wizard can´t help me.

I exported a .fbx file from Cinema4D.
I read in the console that C4D export dont work, but a few days ago it worked.

Thanks fpr your help.

Hey, you need to add a reflection probe in there. Otherwise, your Esszimmer will just reflect the outdoor sky, hence the metallic look.

Thx for help, I did, but it didnt changed. The Problem is it’s directly when I add it in scene. Can it be possible that my HDRP is broke or buggy?

But yes, it has to do something with the metallic. When I change the Metallic Setting from the Base Map the picture get’s visible. (Picutres attached).

6089187--661209--0 Metallic.jpg
6089187--661212--100 Metallic.jpg