HDRP Material glowing in the night

Hey guys,

i set up a small scene and a simple night and day cycle. Everything works fine but in the “night” my materials are glowing. How can I solve the problem?


If the lightmap data (or the lightprobes) was baked during the day, then it will indeed glow at night. If so, you can use an Indirect light controller at night in one of the global volumes, in order to dim the baked lighting. However, this doesn’t explain why the ground doesn’t glow: maybe it is not set to “Receive GI from Lightmaps”.

Also, do you have Emissive enabled on your materials? Probably sounds obvious, but it’s worth double-checking.

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Do you have exposure set to Fixed in postprocessing? This might not be it but I had similar issue.

Thanks for your fast anwer. No, i dont habe Emissive enabled. I only use the preset post processing from the Unity HDRP sample scene. Some other things I noticed:

The reactivated example assets are also glowing.

When i set the volume weigth close to 0 then the materials arent emmisive but are still glowing. (or other way around)

When i activate auto generate lighting it also changes but becomes extremly weird.
When I deactivate all presets…well

Should i start a new project without those presets? Would that be easier?

Thanks for the answer. When I change it to fixed my whole scene becomes white :confused:

Hey, I suspect you have a mix of static and non-static object, they’re getting their lighting from different data sets. This explains the big difference in lighting between your objects.

That’s probably because you left the exposure untouched at 0 EV, which corresponds to a dark night, and therefore everything becomes overexposed (= very bright).

I would suggest you look at the learning section to understand how lighting is set up in Unity, to learn about how ligthmapping and light probes work: Introduction to Lighting and Rendering - Unity Learn

And then for HDRP specifically, you can check this Unite Now video about HDRP:

(especially the section regarding exposure and lighting setup/intensities)

Thank you very much i will check this out. I also worked on post processing without any renderpipeline asset. I got some good results but it led to a similiar problem.

You want to know a funny story? In my day/night cycle i did not turn off the directional light while it rotates under the terrain so it causes these weird lighting effects. When I turn the light off it works. It not black but really dark.

But i will still check out those tutorials and thank you very much :slight_smile: