I’m experiencing this issue and it’s only associated with HDRP this happens in any project, any scene, any drive, even tried redownloading a fresh reinstall of Unity and still happens creating a new scene yields the same exact issue any other pipeline works with no problems but as soon as you upgrade to HDRP and put in the asset bam screens go gray and black until you switch the pipeline back to URP.
This issue happened after closing the project, deleting the library, and clearing the shader cache folder. Once opening the project back up the scene and game views are gray and black.
as well as the following error
Could not create asset from Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.high-definition/Runtime/Render/RenderPiplineResources/Texture/CoherentNoise/RankingTile8SPP.png: File could not be read.
The frame debugger also shows nothing when enabled, Pictures included.
I’ve seen this a few times but I’m unable to get a stable reproduction. It would be great if you could submit a bug and let me know the ticket number.
Two questions if you change the scene view to albedo rendering (using the dropdown) can you see your scene? If you downgrade to 7.1.5 and restart the project does it work?
Yes, changing the scene view to Albedo will show the rendered geometry however it’s in transparent checkers (picture attached).
If I downgrade to any other version of Unity HDRP works with no issues, it’s only version 3.0f3 that seems to have been affected.
Subsequently, when re-opening the project to do the bug report it said that it was importing the VR.dll… I haven’t’ seen that before and am not using any sort of VR in the project or settings so, perhaps that’s something new? No clue just guesses as the issue persists.
It took all day to submit the bug report but, I still haven’t received my confirmation email with the ticket number yet.
as soon as I do I will post here.
Hey Casey, I’ve been unable to find the bug. If you can share the project files i can relog the bug and send you a bug number. I’ve pinged you a link to where you can drop the files.
We are experiencing the same issue. Sometimes disable and enable the camera game object fixes the problem for some time.
Edit: It seems that the HDRP Settings asset has been corrupted in some way. Replacing it by the one contained in a fresh 2019.3.0f3 project, everything goes back to normal.
I’ve managed to repo this. It seems some assets do not like HDRP and cause the HDRP Pipeline asset to brake.
There are two ways around this,
Click Window > High Definition Render Pipe > HD Render Wizard.
You’ll notice this screen now has errors.
Select “Fix all”
At this point, you can create a new HDRP asset. The issue here is that you will need to fix all your lighting and PPS settings, or you can use your old one.
If you use the old one you’ll see a lot of errors being spewed to the log. Let them spew and let the scene bake.
Once it’s finished baking, restart the project
Next time you start your scene it should be back to normal.
I’m going to log a bug, i’ll follow up with a ticket number.
After unity was done re-importing the assets it suffered a hard crash.
opening the project again, it’s back to square one (picture attached) with what I’m presented with after is crashes.
A few more hints I’ve found that may be of use.
I downgraded to 3.0f1 and the problem was still present, I deleted the cache folders (shader and Unity) the script assemblies folder in the project and re-launched, the screen again went black and nothing rendering in the scene view and the editor’s font changed.
Looking at the package manager the HDRP version was 7.1.7, I downgraded to 7.1.6 and now the game view shows Camera not rendering. and all gizmos not present, switching between views, the geometry briefly flashes for a frame it’s visible when looking at it in some of the visualizations except for any “shaded” views or wireframe.
I launched a new HDRP project in 3.0f1 and everything worked fine!
No errors and everything was rendered in the scene I looked at the HDRP in the package manager and saw it was version 7.1.5.
I then went back to our project and downgraded the HDRP pipeline again from 7.1.6 to 7.1.5 and now everything rendered in the scene view per normal, however, in the game view it says no cameras rendering.
When checking the console the ALLOCATION error was spamming nonstop, even clearing, it would not stop the spamming and if it goes over 999+ for a time it will eventually crash Unity.
Hopefully this is helpful in providing more clues to single out what’s going on.
I completely deleted everything to do with Unity and Unity hub, Registry Keys, User files, and even our project folder as I can always download a copy later.
Fresh install of Unity Hub, Did a fresh install of 2019.3.0f4
Launched it from the hub and created a new project
And this problem persists!!! HOW?! At this point, I can’t even use Unity on this system.
Attached is what I’m presented with upon launching a fresh new project, I’m extremely frustrated at this point as it’s prevented me from doing any work on the game for almost 2 weeks now.
Additional edit, after updating the HDRP version from 1.6 (default in a new project) to 1.7 it seems to finally work properly.
I’m going to try and re-download a fresh copy of our project from our repo and pray it works.
just to check it worked because honestly this is getting tough i have the same issues and i reimported and everything but could i update the whole of unity and see if it works or do what this said?
Hi, I have the same issue. currently working in URP.
When I restart unity everything works fine. Once I start playing, the scene view goes gray. When I stop playing, it stays gray until i restart. I removed URP, installed it again. Didn’t fix.
I Upgraded to 7.4.3 (unverified version) doesn’t fix it. I came from 7.3.1 which is currently verified. I’m on Unity version 2019.4.0f1 (LTS) .
I also have a lot of these parser errors mentioned here ( (case #1161290) Parser Failure at line X: Expect ':' between key and value within in 2019.3.0 )
maybe they are connected somehow?
It’s kind of hard to submit this project since it’s around 45gb.
Any fixes?